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  • Writer's pictureDrew Dotson

Ask and ye will have asked

Today marks 18 months since Ramón’s cardiac arrest. For once, that length of time aligns with how long it feels like it’s been. Previously, when these anniversaries have happened, I find myself thinking it feels much shorter or longer than the actual length of time. However, in this case, 18 months seems just right, Goldilocks style. Enough time has passed that it feels like well over a year, but it doesn’t yet feel like it was years (plural) ago.

A week ago today, I sent my book out to a handful of folks for editing. Hitting the send button was somewhat frightening but predominantly freeing. I have worked pretty tirelessly on it for the past six months — and semi-leisurely in the six months before that. It felt gutsy to finally stop tinkering and let my hatchling leave its nest. Now I wait and simultaneously do everything in my power to thwart the inevitable hints of self-doubt.

The other day I saw an Oprah quote that’s still lingering in my mind: “You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.” First, it made me think about the fact that I used to be hesitant to fundraise for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. I felt like it might make people uncomfortable or, even worse, annoy them. However, I finally convinced myself that I would never know if I didn’t ask, so I did. Now my fundraising team consistently raises a heck of a lot more than I ever could have imagined. All it took was asking rather than assuming that I knew how others may respond. Well, asking and accepting the vulnerability that came with asking.

The quote also made me think about my book. Because this has been a long-time goal of mine, I decided early in the process that I would self-publish. That would be the only guaranteed way to ensure my writing saw the light of day. And, because my primary focus has always been to share my story in hopes of uplifting others, money has never been my priority when writing. All factors considered, self-publishing will accomplish what I hope to do. But maybe there’s a bigger opportunity. In past posts, I’ve sheepishly broached the topic of publishing connections or networking opportunities. However, since “You get in life what you have the courage to ask for”… And, at an absolute minimum, ask and ye will have asked.

Do you know someone who might be able to help get my book published? If so, will you please reach out to those people and plead my case? I recommend you: 1) share a little bit about my story, 2) send a few links to posts you particularly liked at, and 3) let them know I’d be happy to provide any additional detail and can be reached at drewdotson at gmail dot com. You have my pre-approval to reach out to anyone you know.

Yes, I’m looking at all of you folks who’ve suggested I write a book, commented to pre-order said book, and/or encouraged me along the way. I have a detailed spreadsheet of who said what and when, and I am tracking it closely. Just kidding. I dislike spreadsheets. But for real. If you believe in my ability, let’s do this!

I often get asked what my book is about, and I’m still fine-tuning the short answer to that question. My memoir is a rare trifecta of raw, funny, and profound. Born with cystic fibrosis and an active mind, I spent many years fixated on death. As I surpassed my expiration date, I realized I should try a different approach — living. Though my life didn’t quite go as planned, I found joy by accepting what actually is rather than what should have been. It’s about finding peace, love, and peace after the loss of love.

My book will be published no matter what, but maybe there’s a different route than what I originally planned. We’ll just see what happens. Have your people contact my people.*


Update - March 8, 2022: May I demand a favor?

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